Establishing the base confidence

As you may or may not know, confidence is more of a skill rather than something you are born with.
Of course you can be raised up to be confident, but everyone has his particular “holes” in their personality.


Or at least, that’s what they say and what we keep repeating as is sounds logical to us.
In the context of noone being able to know what to do next and how to obtain a higher level of confidence it does have reason.

But first, let me explain, why confidence is so important.
The best way is to take an example out of our everyday life.
We all have a certain hobby, sport or whatever you do what I will not try to guess, we’d like to be good at.
But what defines confidence? And why does it affect our learning and training?

We all had those friends, telling us that we cannot do something.
We cannot sing or we are just not that type of what it takes to be to do something.
Actually, you’re not born with that confidence to throw these harassing words off.

Confidence is trained.

Body language

As people ask me, how to be confident, I will most certainly look at them and tell them to straighten their spine.

Not a big thing, huh?
It’s not. But it’s effect is huge!

Try this:
Stand up straight.
As straight as you can.
Now throw your neck back.
Also, you can try to lift your arms sidewards to take up more space.

This will ensure, that you take up as much space as possible.

Why this is important?

We all express ourselves through body language.

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