Tag Archives: autoresponse

How to deal with a shittest

First: What is a Shittest?
A shittest is the way girls test men to see whether a guy is able to understand her and most importantly able to handle her.
She may do little rapport to major breaks to see what you will do.
For example, if everything goes well and you both show your interest towards each other and then, she suddenly says you’re boring or pushes you off her. (how to deal with it is below in the text)
Girls never stop giving your shittests.

But… why?

And how to pass every single one of them?

It is sort of a test for congruence. Check the article on congruence here)
There are girls who give you harsh and very difficult shittests every once in a while.
Also there are girls who give slight ones very often, even various times a day, too!
Never try to impress the girl if you “kinda feel like it” after receiving a shittest, ever.
She won’t be as impressed as you think she might be. Or she might even lose interest in you completely for a while.
When you are free of outcome and actually being fun instead, you will pass those tests easily!

How does it work?

When a girl tests you, it can lead you to two paths:
  1. You show her, that you will not be clingy all of the time:This makes you more interesting, as she still has to chase you.
    Most girls are like cats, as long as you play with them every once in a while and make them chase what they want, they will have a lot of fun.
    Whenever you stop, she loses interest.

  2. You show her, that you need her.This only works with the following girl:
    She may need security and wants to KNOW that you will stay with her.
    This only works with girls who are looking for a relationship and don’t want to chase anymore.
    They are more into a relationship than the chasers.
    Still, she might shittest you every once in a while, so be aware!
    Most guys choose this path out of instinct. They are scared to lose the girl and lose her through being scared. That easy!

What to do:

You are a MAN so stand your ground, don’t ever try to change yourself for her. (Both changing and not changing are also the same paths as above)


You have to keep shittesting her too.

Why should you be crying about her being mean to you?
If you do cry, then you deserve it.
She needs a man, not a woman. (most of them 😉 )

Optimism, the right one.

That’s not going to be easy.
It’s not as easy as you think.
It will be hard.

These arguments never stopped me. And they will not stop you from achieving your goals, ever!

Let’s analyse it:
People who tell that, are very pessimistic, right.
But they also do not believe in you. Their perspective does not involve your abilities, your possibilities in near future and all of your mindset.

I for myself am sometimes over optimistic.
Of course, you have to calibrate, whether you are too optimistic or not optimistic enough.


…is complete bullshit regarding people comparing themselves.
As most of the so called “realism” comes from people no one, or most of those who use the word realism, really understands in the first place.
Best to say, is what I created as a photo for facebook recently.
You may not find this being my profile picture anymore,
as I do part my private profile from my “official” artist pages.

Establishing the base confidence

As you may or may not know, confidence is more of a skill rather than something you are born with.
Of course you can be raised up to be confident, but everyone has his particular “holes” in their personality.


Or at least, that’s what they say and what we keep repeating as is sounds logical to us.
In the context of noone being able to know what to do next and how to obtain a higher level of confidence it does have reason.

But first, let me explain, why confidence is so important.
The best way is to take an example out of our everyday life.
We all have a certain hobby, sport or whatever you do what I will not try to guess, we’d like to be good at.
But what defines confidence? And why does it affect our learning and training?

We all had those friends, telling us that we cannot do something.
We cannot sing or we are just not that type of what it takes to be to do something.
Actually, you’re not born with that confidence to throw these harassing words off.

Confidence is trained.

Body language

As people ask me, how to be confident, I will most certainly look at them and tell them to straighten their spine.

Not a big thing, huh?
It’s not. But it’s effect is huge!

Try this:
Stand up straight.
As straight as you can.
Now throw your neck back.
Also, you can try to lift your arms sidewards to take up more space.

This will ensure, that you take up as much space as possible.

Why this is important?

We all express ourselves through body language.