Stereotypes are bullshit

One can also call this topic “Why I don’t fit and won’t ever want to fit into stereotypes, ever”.

So let’s look at what stereotypes are.

Social Conditioning says (and yes I am referring to Rsd Nation’s Videos):

“One who does or fits certain rules or traits of stereotypes MUST follow the rest of the stereotypes typical indicators”

Now, this sounds silly, I know.

But, …

Here is an example:
But look at it: especially here in Germany, everyone assumes you to be arrogant if you’re a model.
People who are not arrogant though they’re modelling are being looked at weirdly by other, arrogant or better: ‘stereotype-active’ models.

I can tell, because I experienced it. Being nice to “Non-models” or especially strangers is considered so off, that they will either be sceptical towards you or stop talking to you whatsoever.

You could say, that models split into different stereotypes, which is right in fact, but by dividing every stereotypes into more stereotypes, you won’t get similar stereotypes, you get an individual, which is what I am telling you to be.

The truth is, that once you reach high status as a stereotype, your status will crush and fall appart once you leave the stereotype.

The negative side of not being a stereotype is, being inefficient OR not showing clear progress in self development (which is also becoming a stereotype).
You read right, you are inefficient in what you’re doing when you don’t follow social standards, really.

You are of course slower, if you don’t follow, therefor you create.

Your image is becoming stronger the more you develop yourself, so don’t follow, but lead.

Cheers, Wlad C.

Be sceptical to avoid negative Energy

Everyone has that, you feel low on energy, kinda do not fit into society anymore and feel a little sad if not depressed.

You don’t know why but you feel like you lost some of your power.

Whenever you talk to someone, you don’t feel like they are listening as much as before and all of a sudden you are not in the center of attention anymore.

The answer is simple:
Someone dominated you while talking to you!

Never accept that others are trying to force their opinion on you without you having the time to think about their statement.

Always reassure that you DO KNOW what you are talking about when you are being forced an opinion on.

Those people try to dominate you most of the time and don’t really know what they are talking about or have far less experience than you do.

Continue talking about your Knowledge and explain to them why they are wrong.
If they don’t accept your arguments, rethink if you really said the right thing as we can always make mistakes.
If it still does seem right to you and their opinion still does not match your statement, just leave them alone, you can not force them to have your opinion either.

Cheers, Wlad C.

How to deal with Depression

There are two main types of depression, most depressions are ‘software’ related, only some of them are ‘hardware’ related.

If you believe to have a depression, then here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  • Are you ready to take very high risks (for example driving way too fast or tend to neglet important meetings and friends) ?
  • Do you smoke cigarettes/weed (yes I know your secrets haha) or drink alcohol more than usual?
    • do you feel like you have a certain relieve after consuming it?
  • Are you very unhappy with yourself or your life?
  • Do you lack interest in your hobbies or things you found interesting before?
  • Are you afraid of failure? Especially when you do everyday stuff?
  • Do you even feel like taking your own life?
  • Do you lose control over your emotions regularly?
  • Do you feel the urge to prove yourself to others or to constantly dominate?
  • Do you argue with friends and family a lot?
  • Do you feel like you have to do a lot of sports to feel better?
In the mental state of a depression, it is clearly normal to have less energy and to not feel like doing anything.
Don’t blame yourself here, you are responsible for yourself, BUT one cannot just stop being depressed, so bare with your own.
The best thing you can do, when you are depressed, is to take action.

The most important thing here is to take small steps though.

Even if you’re a tough guy, taking too big steps may wreck your ability to regain happienes and motivation and may set you back by months!

Cheers, Wlad C.

How to deal with a shittest

First: What is a Shittest?
A shittest is the way girls test men to see whether a guy is able to understand her and most importantly able to handle her.
She may do little rapport to major breaks to see what you will do.
For example, if everything goes well and you both show your interest towards each other and then, she suddenly says you’re boring or pushes you off her. (how to deal with it is below in the text)
Girls never stop giving your shittests.

But… why?

And how to pass every single one of them?

It is sort of a test for congruence. Check the article on congruence here)
There are girls who give you harsh and very difficult shittests every once in a while.
Also there are girls who give slight ones very often, even various times a day, too!
Never try to impress the girl if you “kinda feel like it” after receiving a shittest, ever.
She won’t be as impressed as you think she might be. Or she might even lose interest in you completely for a while.
When you are free of outcome and actually being fun instead, you will pass those tests easily!

How does it work?

When a girl tests you, it can lead you to two paths:
  1. You show her, that you will not be clingy all of the time:This makes you more interesting, as she still has to chase you.
    Most girls are like cats, as long as you play with them every once in a while and make them chase what they want, they will have a lot of fun.
    Whenever you stop, she loses interest.

  2. You show her, that you need her.This only works with the following girl:
    She may need security and wants to KNOW that you will stay with her.
    This only works with girls who are looking for a relationship and don’t want to chase anymore.
    They are more into a relationship than the chasers.
    Still, she might shittest you every once in a while, so be aware!
    Most guys choose this path out of instinct. They are scared to lose the girl and lose her through being scared. That easy!

What to do:

You are a MAN so stand your ground, don’t ever try to change yourself for her. (Both changing and not changing are also the same paths as above)


You have to keep shittesting her too.

Why should you be crying about her being mean to you?
If you do cry, then you deserve it.
She needs a man, not a woman. (most of them 😉 )

How to cure your Oneitis

We all have it once in a time, the Oneitis.

Once we fell in love too early and the partner either does not accept our behaviour or we our self just feel strange around them, we have to get rid of the Oneitis.

As it is very important to talk about any problems in a relationship, you can also talk to the person about this if you know each other long enough and had some intimate time already.

I am going to consider 3 Stages, the first is curable, the second is “fixable” and the third is plain impossible or just not worth your energy. In this case of stage 3, you can not do anything but wait and quit the contact.

First stage:

  • You are becoming clingy, you realise, that he/she is not responding that quickly to you as you respond to them.
  • You are not allowing them enough space to develop a relationship and rush into their life.
    • To fix this:
      • Try not to make any contact for 12h first.
        You will see: if they contact you within that time, everything is alright, but you still have to slow down.
      • If the person does not respond, wait another 12h (on top of that).
        Here you will see if the he or she is really into you.
      • If there is still no response, text him/her 3 days after you stopped contacting each other.
        The person will ask what you were doing if they miss you, but if not, you have to become ice cold now.
      • Cut the habit of contacting first and answer at least twice as late as they do.
        This indicates that you just had some free time when you were clingy in the last few days.
      • You may now meet again! But only, if you feel ready!
Second stage:
  • You are stalking the person’s Online Status
  • They respond hours after you text them
  • They may not even respond at all sometimes
  • The person texts only every 12h-24h and sometimes doesn’t answer at all
    • To fix this:
      • Try the fix from Stage one.
      • If you fail, wait for a week, don’t contact this person at all.
        Delete or hide everything that reminds you of that person.
        If you think you have the willpower, you can at least answer their questions though I do not recommend it at all.
      • Now after not contacting them for a week, you have to text them or talk to them on the phone as nothing happened. They will wonder what you did in that time, you become more interesting.
        Also: after not contacting this person for a week, you feel a little bit more “free”.
      • If you still feel uncomfortable, continue to the third stage.
Third stage:
  • You don’t want to meet friends anymore
  • All you can think about is this person
  • You start masturbating more frequent than ever before (draining your mentality)
  • You have no desire for anything right now
    • To fix this:
      • Or at least, to rescue you as fast as possible from any mental damage:
      • You cannot do anything to fix your relationship anymore.
      • Stop talking to this person, don’t contact them at all and delete/hide everything that reminds you of them.
      • Consider meeting new people
      • Meet your friends, they are already starting to miss you.
      • Make two lists: one that has all positive factors and one that has all negative ones of that person,
        It will be hard to find any negative sides of that person in that stage, but keep in mind, that you mind is just trying to trick you. This what you are experiencing right now is just an illusion.
      • Rip the pro list apart and hang the negative list somewhere you can see it.
        You can even put it on your desk and keep it there.
      • After 2 days throw the negative list away too.
        Read it before you toss it though.
      • Move on! The best thing now is to forget.
        Whatever is in your head now, it is an illusion and is only going to harm you the person you want to be with.
      • Forget this person.
If I come up with more stuff I will add it to this list of course 😉
Cheers, Wlad C.

Check your Congruence to fix your Confidence

Sometimes we just “act” confident but project very insecure sings.
Here are a few tips on how to quickly check your alignment of thoughts and actions:

  1. Check your Body language:
    1. Are you standing upright with a straight spine?Fix your posture.
    2. Does your face direct below horizontal or above? Above is good, below is a submissive sign of being unconfident or not feeling that you deserve doing what you’re doing.
      Look up for a few minutes. This might come of a little arrogant, but it’s ok to look like an Asshole for a little while.
    3. Do you unconsciously try to avoid keeping eye-contact?
      Even the slightest escape is submissive action.
      Don’t look directly into the eyes, you can look at their forehead, nose or even their eyebrows or chin. They won’t notice the difference.
  2. Communication
    1. Do you get interrupted quickly by the person you’re speaking to?
      Focus on what the current situation looks like: Are you taking up as much space as always?
      Does the one who interrupts you have his/her head up and keeps eye-contact longer than you?
    2. People are giving you a weird face when you’re talking to them?
      Fringe your eyes and give them a clear sign, that you understood that they are trying to dominate you right now. Just don’t let them do that and accept, that they don’t want a friendship with you and are only focusing on what they can get out of you.
  3. What are your current thoughts and aims?
    1. Are you merely trying to get a reaction out of someone?
      You don’t need a reaction.
      Assume, that the person you are confronting, is thinking positively about you all the time. Don’t try to force them to do so.
    2. Do you think you have to make everyone else like you?
      That means that you accepted being the beta-male.
      This is alarming if this is not what you are and want to be.
    3. You just want to take care of others?
      You are trying to keep the focus or attention off you and focusing on another person.
      This is showing that you have something to hide. Just don’t.
Cheers, Wlad C.

How to: Shortcut to Success!

As you are going through Google, books, conversations, etc. you are looking for a nice shortcut that will bring you quick success.

You don’t want to spend your time for building yourself up, convincing people, go out and experience.


You are here, looking for a shortcut to success, or whatever you want.

There is one.

Everything has a shortcut.

You want to know what it is?


But how do you gain it?


Take small steps, but keep going, this is the only shortcut.

Cheers, Wlad C.

How to be an Asshole

You heard it right, being an Asshole is important on the way to your Better Self.

Women love Assholes!

But what is an Asshole? Or: what’s so good about being one?

Well, being an Asshole does not mean to be an Asshole.
One has to set limits.

Women like Assholes, because those Guys do care about themselves.

But don’t be rude!

Being an Asshole doesn’t mean that you treat everyone like shit.
But is also doesn’t mean that you have to be nice to everyone either.

Here is the Key: the Asshole is NOT submissive, he has Alpha-Male qualities.
He takes his own responsibilities serious and does not run after Women.

No, he shows interest, without being needy.

I have no time on that day.

A needy guy wouldn’t say that.

Also, the Assholes tonality is much different from a Needy Guy.

Although the Asshole is being cold to Women, he turns them on by being himself and being self-centered.

You cannot shake his confidence that easily.

Think about it.

How to:

When she’s texting, do not reply to every single text, who are you? Her dog?

Who are you anyway to her, if you always show up when she needs you?
Of course it is a nice feeling to help someone, or to be around someone whenever you think of them.

But, man… Draw a line here!

Do not be clingy, when you clearly do not want to do things for her, just don’t.
She might even appreciate it.

You are the man, you are lazy, you do not want to care about women’s problems, dude!

See yourself as a man. No, the man in your life.
You take the full responsibility for your every action.
So why bother being the Nice Guy?

It might even help to read up, what a Nice Guy really is. But don’t listen to what Women think a Nice Guy is. They will only tell you that a Nice Guy is someone who is cool to be around with, but I tell you: What Woman wants to be WITH a Nice Guy?
Let’s see at, what the actual definition of a Nice Guy is,
a Nice Guy is someone who does not do bad stuff to her. THAT’S IT! The is nothing more to it!
Now, I don’t want you to just go out there and be a total Dick to everyone.
This will only make you come off strange, uncalibrated and very introverted.
Instead, do keep the egoism in you and embrace being an Asshole sometimes.
Cheers, Wlad C.

Recognizing a Plateau

It applies to almost everything.
Girls, Fitness, Business, Trading etc.

“I don’t get better anymore.”
“I am getting worse.”

All results from you being too focused on something.
Let’s say you’re playing guitar, got so much better and are very happy.
Then all of a sudden, you realise that you are not getting better anymore, no matter how hard you try.
You repeat each passage of a song over and over again, but no improvement.
Or worse, your fingers hurt and you just cannot play anymore.

Time to take a break!

But how do you know when your break is over?

Simply do not touch the guitar (or whatever you thought of).
Don’t touch it till the moment you realise, that you somehow forgot about it completely.

You have to wait that long, because you will know that your unconscious mind finished processing the skill.

Now once you did that break, start slowly.
Begin as if you’ve never done it before.
Remember how you started first learning that skill.
Don’t stretch yourself here.

Then, the improvement will come all natural.

Cheers, Wlad C.

Shape shifting

This is also on Lifting your self valuation.
Shape shifting your mind and appearance to other people is quiet tricky.
You are switching between personalities, So be careful.
If you screw it up, you may become less sympathetic to the particular person.

There is a System out there about the 8 Types of people, or women to be exact.
I for myself do not think this System was very useful. Yes there are different types of people,
but how on earth would you know what you are confronting, if these people are most often a mix of different character types.
You do not want to meet anyone who is boring.

Social Calibration

So, here comes the tricky part: to do Shape shifting in a social environment or around different people, you have to be socially calibrated.
That means you have to go out and talk to a lot of people first, before you can switch between different personality types.
Still, at First, even if you are a complete starter, you can try out one personality for each friends circle.
You may struggle at first, especially when meeting a friend from one circle and then another from another circle you have.
They do both, of course, not know the difference.
You may appear creepy when you meet both at the same time.
Here you might have to make people qualify.
You are the leader anyway.
If some person is getting suspicious, you may use some tricks like valuing one friend over another.
Through this, the less valued friend will respect you more, but will not call you to meet anymore, the more valued one will call you more, still you could even screw his/her self image up, making them arrogant.
Here I advise you not to confront two different circles with each other if you are not ready yet.

Example for Shape shifting:

You may use the higher phase (if in control) to meet high energy people to fit in first.
Later you can get to them with a lower phase for them to push you up and destroy your low phase.
If you cannot get UP and have a strong down phase, these friends are the best for you to contact if you need help.
If you are in a casual down phase, you will either need friends who have low energy and some hobbies.
Doing hobbies while in high phase may also boost your skills though.

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