Tag Archives: how to

The perception of time and how to manipulate it

Your mind is bound to something, that does have to move to make you think.
All chemical processes in your brain require some sort of movement, always.

Now, I am not going to teach how how to break any laws of nature, nor any magical trick.

Your brains performance and Efficiency is very relevant in how quick you think.
Your soul is ‘virtual’, every thought is bound to your brains performance.
Now, we don’t perceive any slow downs or speed ups in our everyday life.
Your brain calibrates to a certain speed of perception.

But here are some things that you do perceive:

Sometimes, you realize when looking at a clock, that the seconds either move slower or faster.

The slower the seconds pass, the faster you think, vice versa.

Or you may have even thought, that time is passing slower when you are doing something boring.
This is mainly related to the fact, that your brain is searching for any way to escape this situation, while speeding up.

This sounds just like your brain was an engine, that runs with a speedometer. This speedometer only enhances or lowers the speed when needed.

Your brain is designed to run as efficient as possible.

This is for you to survive as long as possible on those resources that you have.

You cannot eat 12 pounds of fat and sugar everyday just to perceive time being 6 times slower.

It is very unfortunate, yes.

But you can manipulate your brain’s calibration.

Did you know that movies in theaters run at another speed than real?

Some are speed up by up to 15-20% just to fit more movie in less time.

You don’t notice that, as all you perceive is the movie!

 So how do you manipulate your perception of time?

Have you ever noticed the “Speed” option in your music player?
Have you ever clicked on the wheel below a youtube video and changed the speed of a video?

This is how you calibrate your brain to faster speeds:

Change the speed of anything your are watching or listening to.

But start small.

Set your videos on x1.25, then x1.5

I guarantee you,

over an hour or two of doing so, you will get used to that speed.

So much, that once you switch everything back to normal speed, it will feel like everyone talks in slow motion.

But do not do that for more than 2 hours.

It is very draining to think faster, you get tired really quick.

You may as well get hungry pretty fast.

Cheers, Wlad C.

Alpha Females

One does not argue with anyone who is far more dominant than oneself,
but dominance does not only mean physical dominance.

Dominance works with request and confirmation: 
The sender and the receiver of subconscious signals (body-posture, body-language, etc.).

If one receives dominating signals from the sender and CONFIRM them, even by reacting to them, the receiver sent a confirmation and the sender becomes dominant. You tell them that they have more value than you and that you understand and accept that.
With males, the one who wins any stare down, is the one who is the most dominant. (Presumably, there are variations)
With females, it is a little different:

See, dominant men, are alpha males, of some sort.
Alpha males are far more attractive to girls than beta males, they give her safety, ALLOW her subconsciously to mate with someone (in this case him) and are worthy of mating in a particular group, while beta males don’t, usually, until they are chosen by other alpha males to be allowed to mate, which makes them sort of Alpha, but this is a certainly other topic…
So, you see, dominant or Alpha men (as in human) are ought to mate.
That’s called preselection.
So, with girls, preselection is pretty much the same as with guys, though the girl you chose to flirt with always has the same level of value as you give to yourself and as you value her. Otherwise men feel very incongruent and unsure.
The alpha girl, is usually the most confident girl, who is, in her group, the most social and probably the most popular. She does not value you on the amount of friends you have, as her friends circle 
is far too big to join your group of friends anyway.
gave her so much experience, that she will make up your leaking in social integrity.
But we are not talking about how to pick up an alpha female.
Like males, females have their own hierarchy, which is very much based on their looks and outer confidence.
A lower female is supposed to leave mates to the alpha girl first.
But it’s not as strict as with males.
The male chooses his female, therefor females get jealous and more willing.
Other than with males, females do often tolerate men having more than one mate.
In our society, it is not attractive nor value increasing if a female has more than one mate.

Cheers, Wlad C.

Do not listen to your teachers!

Here I am talking about school teachers, but it also applies to every kind of teacher.

Everyone has gone through their own path in life, especially teachers are quite narrow here.

Most teachers have gone through only one form of education: how to educate in school.

Thats all.
No more than that.
Of course, you can learn from anybody and I am known to think so,
but there is a little something that I am well concerned about and it should definitely concern you aswell.
Teachers can only give small advices, they cannot predict your future nor do they know any form of psychology to be able to tell how you will evolve.
Only you can tell.
AND those who control you.
But to tell you the truth, you first should handle this problem.
Teachers are control freaks.
Did you notice, that some, no matter how smart they are, students are getting bad marks? 
No matter how hard they try?
Teachers don’t notice it, they might not even know about that,
but their instinct of domination is becoming their obsession,
they become depressed, without even knowing it.
It is their depression, their problem. And you are the one who has to deal with it.

Teachers… teach. Even though they don’t even know what they are teaching most of the time.

They are NOT teaching you how to get better in life or how to handle your future job better.

all you actually learn are two things:

You learn how to become a teacher yourself
and the very important thing:

You learn how to deal with psychopaths.
It is nearly impossible to get top rank marks in school if you do not know how to treat psychopaths and how to deal with their influence.

This is why top students are so important.

They find the teacher’s vulnerabilities and use those without the teacher realizing nor putting any pressure on them.

All they do is comforting the teacher, while also giving them the feeling of being understood.

To finish this of,
do not listen to your teachers, but learn from them.

Cheers, Wlad C.

Did your partner fall in love with you?

Recently I wrote an article on how to cure Oneitis.
It’s “symptoms” are though only felt by the person experiencing it.

There is nothing wrong with knowing those signs yourself, as it is normal to give them away.

Once fell in love, you figure yourself thinking about this person all the time,
you cannot think straight if they didn’t text you for a few hours or did not respond at all today.

Even if you were busy all day long and just could not reach this person, they will become nervous when they text you.

You can say that about 95% of People even talk in monologues when texting their crush.

Imagine, this was a chat window:

Partner1: “Hey, how are you?”

Partner1: “I’ve been doing ….”

Partner1: “haha”

Partner1: “How was your day?”

Partner1: “Sorry, I write so much haha”

Of course, they also may just like you, or need some attention at the time.
This indicator itself does not  approve anything but sympathy yet.

A quick check you can do on yourself (if you are having an Oneitis) is:

  1. Do you feel like you are having a rush when the partner touches you?
  2. Do you miss the partner immediately after saying goodbye after a meeting.
  3. Do you feel a lot of tension when you’re alone with them and thinking “I can’t quite express myself right to them. If they only knew…”etc. ?

So, you get the idea. Before being able to read other people, you have to understand, how you feel yourself being in the same situation. Imagine their experience instead of just observing.

The more experience you get, the easier understanding them is.

So, to the 1. point above: Whenever you feel in love with someone, you try to touch them, no matter what. You can observe them doing the same. If they touch you every time they have the chance to do so, they are either gaming you or trying to get a hold on you by actually touching you.

2. point: Missing the partner immediately after parting shows a lot of insecurity, as they feel like you will forget them immediately after leaving, they will try to contact you either in the exact same minute you leave and text you, OR they won’t contact you for 3 days (try to maintain the 3 day rule) if you just started dating.

3. point: The shock when you are suddenly alone with this person.
When you are having a shock, what is the very first thing you do?
You react.

How do you react? 

Facial expression!

How does shocked look like?

  • Staring or opening eyelids as far as possible and more than normal. The “Bamby-Eyes” if you want to name it.

So, now that you found out that your partner fell or did not fall in love with you.
What do you do?

Do you feel the same?

In case they do not show those signs, maybe they are not ready yet?
Maybe you just found this article while searching for approval that they actually might like you despite of all those negative reactions you get?

Leave them some space then.

But, if you do get the desired reactions, congratulations! Have fun with your newly assured partner!

This all is to be taken with a massive grain of salt of course.

Do talk about that you noticed something different in their behaviour, but do not tell them “But this blog said you were in love with me!”

This article is there to help you, but it is by far not a guide to follow one by one.

Cheers, Wlad C.

Check your Congruence to fix your Confidence

Sometimes we just “act” confident but project very insecure sings.
Here are a few tips on how to quickly check your alignment of thoughts and actions:

  1. Check your Body language:
    1. Are you standing upright with a straight spine?Fix your posture.
    2. Does your face direct below horizontal or above? Above is good, below is a submissive sign of being unconfident or not feeling that you deserve doing what you’re doing.
      Look up for a few minutes. This might come of a little arrogant, but it’s ok to look like an Asshole for a little while.
    3. Do you unconsciously try to avoid keeping eye-contact?
      Even the slightest escape is submissive action.
      Don’t look directly into the eyes, you can look at their forehead, nose or even their eyebrows or chin. They won’t notice the difference.
  2. Communication
    1. Do you get interrupted quickly by the person you’re speaking to?
      Focus on what the current situation looks like: Are you taking up as much space as always?
      Does the one who interrupts you have his/her head up and keeps eye-contact longer than you?
    2. People are giving you a weird face when you’re talking to them?
      Fringe your eyes and give them a clear sign, that you understood that they are trying to dominate you right now. Just don’t let them do that and accept, that they don’t want a friendship with you and are only focusing on what they can get out of you.
  3. What are your current thoughts and aims?
    1. Are you merely trying to get a reaction out of someone?
      You don’t need a reaction.
      Assume, that the person you are confronting, is thinking positively about you all the time. Don’t try to force them to do so.
    2. Do you think you have to make everyone else like you?
      That means that you accepted being the beta-male.
      This is alarming if this is not what you are and want to be.
    3. You just want to take care of others?
      You are trying to keep the focus or attention off you and focusing on another person.
      This is showing that you have something to hide. Just don’t.
Cheers, Wlad C.

How to: Shortcut to Success!

As you are going through Google, books, conversations, etc. you are looking for a nice shortcut that will bring you quick success.

You don’t want to spend your time for building yourself up, convincing people, go out and experience.


You are here, looking for a shortcut to success, or whatever you want.

There is one.

Everything has a shortcut.

You want to know what it is?


But how do you gain it?


Take small steps, but keep going, this is the only shortcut.

Cheers, Wlad C.


Now, to say, that intelligence is what you are born with, is total humbug.
But there is a lot or just a little bit you can attend to be more intelligent.

First of all, it is very hard to be recognized as an intelligent being, the intellectual of us find solutions though.

There is a certain difference in those, but honestly, you can google that.

As you are one of a hand full of people to have found this webpage (probably according to my horrible understandings in SEO) you might consider yourself being quiet smart already.

I tell you not.
There is always just a little more you can improve, redo, what ever…

Not to relate every single article, but this also does have something to do with confidence.
The less sure you are when trying to solve a problem ( I know this is not a precise measurement for intelligence) the higher the chance is that you are not confident, or at least not enough.

How to improve your intelligence

Your brain works like a network of multiple computers.
One computer passes information to another.

If one computer is working on a huge problem, it may not process new problems and only be ready to resolve those when ready. You can actually make it pass on the problems to other “computers”.

As you have your unconscious and conscious mind (let us asume, those were the only two),
you may not know what your unconscious mind is working on.

To find out:

How to clear your unconscious mind:

This works best if you don’t have an headache.
Whenever you feel like, in some particular situation you are processing quite slow
you might be “calculating” something.
Try to think about what concerns you.
First start with, what concerns you most, imagine the problem happening right now, see what exactly issues you and what the solution might be.
For example: You sit in a bus, people are talking over you, or at least you feel like it and it makes you uncomfortable.
Later on at home, you feel a little bit stressed. You think about what might have caused it.
Then you think about the bus situation, imagine as if the time stops right in the moment that caused your uncomfortability.
If it was another person, try to BE that person for a while, replay that memory.
Now, after you have replayed it, think about it like this: you imagine what that he or she might have done just before entering the bus. You’ve done it.
Now as you are that person, imagine someone confident that you know being in your situation.
Here, fake that confidence it to make the target uncomfortable.
What do you feel?
After you can answer this question above, you have processed the uncomfortable offence.

You should feel a little less stressed, within an hour or two you will feel better.

Clearing your mind like this is a great step to get some “performance” free to use and gives you more of your mental power.

Optimism, the right one.

That’s not going to be easy.
It’s not as easy as you think.
It will be hard.

These arguments never stopped me. And they will not stop you from achieving your goals, ever!

Let’s analyse it:
People who tell that, are very pessimistic, right.
But they also do not believe in you. Their perspective does not involve your abilities, your possibilities in near future and all of your mindset.

I for myself am sometimes over optimistic.
Of course, you have to calibrate, whether you are too optimistic or not optimistic enough.


…is complete bullshit regarding people comparing themselves.
As most of the so called “realism” comes from people no one, or most of those who use the word realism, really understands in the first place.
Best to say, is what I created as a photo for facebook recently.
You may not find this being my profile picture anymore,
as I do part my private profile from my “official” artist pages.