Tag Archives: intellegence

Read books, properly!

There are different types of readers, those who read each single line of a book, those who don’t even finish it and those who just skip passages, because they “don’t like it was important” and then don’t understand following passages and skip those too…

If you read books quickly, you are not reading them properly.

Especially, when you pickup a book out of you own interest, you should do yourself the favour to truly understand what you just read.

Those who finish books within one or two days or even less just finished the first two stages:

  1. Overview
  2. Understanding it’s plot

To truly experience a book and really understand it, you have to read each chapter twice, at least.

Did you ever have the feeling you found new stuff in a book when you were reading it again after a while?

That’s why you didn’t read it properly.

Cheers, Wlad C.


Now, to say, that intelligence is what you are born with, is total humbug.
But there is a lot or just a little bit you can attend to be more intelligent.

First of all, it is very hard to be recognized as an intelligent being, the intellectual of us find solutions though.

There is a certain difference in those, but honestly, you can google that.

As you are one of a hand full of people to have found this webpage (probably according to my horrible understandings in SEO) you might consider yourself being quiet smart already.

I tell you not.
There is always just a little more you can improve, redo, what ever…

Not to relate every single article, but this also does have something to do with confidence.
The less sure you are when trying to solve a problem ( I know this is not a precise measurement for intelligence) the higher the chance is that you are not confident, or at least not enough.

How to improve your intelligence

Your brain works like a network of multiple computers.
One computer passes information to another.

If one computer is working on a huge problem, it may not process new problems and only be ready to resolve those when ready. You can actually make it pass on the problems to other “computers”.

As you have your unconscious and conscious mind (let us asume, those were the only two),
you may not know what your unconscious mind is working on.

To find out:

How to clear your unconscious mind:

This works best if you don’t have an headache.
Whenever you feel like, in some particular situation you are processing quite slow
you might be “calculating” something.
Try to think about what concerns you.
First start with, what concerns you most, imagine the problem happening right now, see what exactly issues you and what the solution might be.
For example: You sit in a bus, people are talking over you, or at least you feel like it and it makes you uncomfortable.
Later on at home, you feel a little bit stressed. You think about what might have caused it.
Then you think about the bus situation, imagine as if the time stops right in the moment that caused your uncomfortability.
If it was another person, try to BE that person for a while, replay that memory.
Now, after you have replayed it, think about it like this: you imagine what that he or she might have done just before entering the bus. You’ve done it.
Now as you are that person, imagine someone confident that you know being in your situation.
Here, fake that confidence it to make the target uncomfortable.
What do you feel?
After you can answer this question above, you have processed the uncomfortable offence.

You should feel a little less stressed, within an hour or two you will feel better.

Clearing your mind like this is a great step to get some “performance” free to use and gives you more of your mental power.

Optimism, the right one.

That’s not going to be easy.
It’s not as easy as you think.
It will be hard.

These arguments never stopped me. And they will not stop you from achieving your goals, ever!

Let’s analyse it:
People who tell that, are very pessimistic, right.
But they also do not believe in you. Their perspective does not involve your abilities, your possibilities in near future and all of your mindset.

I for myself am sometimes over optimistic.
Of course, you have to calibrate, whether you are too optimistic or not optimistic enough.


…is complete bullshit regarding people comparing themselves.
As most of the so called “realism” comes from people no one, or most of those who use the word realism, really understands in the first place.
Best to say, is what I created as a photo for facebook recently.
You may not find this being my profile picture anymore,
as I do part my private profile from my “official” artist pages.