Tag Archives: Depression

The ongoing Chain-reaction of Chain reactions

Or better targeted as the Chain-Reactor in our modern and past society that keeps going on.
It can only be “killed” if there are no chain reactions happening that relate to it and, in my opinion, it even behaves like an either controllable or uncontrollable chemical or atomic reaction.
Sounds hard, but imagine:
Todays’ society is so huge, it seems to be even wider spread than you could ever imagine.
Things like culture, origin, understandings, education, wealth, personality etc. seem to make it look like a very very big and complex tree of connections which is very bizarrely grown, with some branches growing out of others but some growing into each other.
Social media seems to make those little ends of each branch to connect.
Every single branch seems to be unique…
Each junction can be seen as an innovation in the trees growth, making it more and more beautiful the more the tree grows and separates.
But this tree also needs something to stabilise it. Sticks.
Sticks are not unique though, they are just straight wooden sticks. Boring, not innovative.
This means Valuation only happens, when you are unique…
Who is unique?
Who is the stick and who is the junction?


  • The ones who follow?
  • The ones who listen?
  • The ones who lead?


Society already has it’s stereotype of a ‘unique’ person.
But, it is a stereotype.
If you take even minimum Part in anything of those chain reactions, you are considerably DEAD.
Not physically, but your psyche is.
It is trapped in society. You are a stick. A piece of wood that only grows towards the sun and holds the branches and leafs of a tree.
As, for example, the philosopher Kant described: there are roles in society and those roles are very hard to get out of.
The only way for a stick to become unique is to become a branch with multiple junctions of sticks.
If you fulfil the requirements of solely one single role and no more, you are pretty much stuck in your role. More so, if you believe in your own role to be considerably the best role to have in live and all the others either unachievable to you or just unimportant.
Understand, that there is far more in this world to see, to touch and to take part in.
Still, do not EVER become a follower if you do not want to be one of the sociopaths who are massively addicted to validation of others.
Such validation only manifests in your mind, nowhere else.
If you didn’t listen to the validator, you wouldn’t even know the validation manifested itself.
A little tip here were to validate yourself whenever you need it, giving yourself small compliments every now and then and just pumping up your positivity whenever you can.

Think Outside the box

Stop following guidelines given by others.
I just told you had 3 possible roles in that tree, but actually, there is no limitation.
You don’t have to be anything, no branch, no leaf and no stick.
You can as well just become a bird, that just flies away from the tree, that is totally separate from it and can just leave whenever it wants.
The possibilities are endless.
Most people would follow guidelines, but you just shouldn’t. Don’t.
See, our society is merely built on this routine of an average life:
  1. be born
  2. go to school
  3. success or fail
  4. get a job that’s equivalent to your success in school or go to university
  5. get rich, be poor, get poor, be rich…
  6. live the role live gave you…
  7. marry
  8. get a divorce
  9. work
  10. midlife crisis
  11. take vacations
  12. go to a shrink (psychologist)
  13. work
  14. die
Boring, right?


Cheers, Wlad C.

Alpha Females

One does not argue with anyone who is far more dominant than oneself,
but dominance does not only mean physical dominance.

Dominance works with request and confirmation: 
The sender and the receiver of subconscious signals (body-posture, body-language, etc.).

If one receives dominating signals from the sender and CONFIRM them, even by reacting to them, the receiver sent a confirmation and the sender becomes dominant. You tell them that they have more value than you and that you understand and accept that.
With males, the one who wins any stare down, is the one who is the most dominant. (Presumably, there are variations)
With females, it is a little different:

See, dominant men, are alpha males, of some sort.
Alpha males are far more attractive to girls than beta males, they give her safety, ALLOW her subconsciously to mate with someone (in this case him) and are worthy of mating in a particular group, while beta males don’t, usually, until they are chosen by other alpha males to be allowed to mate, which makes them sort of Alpha, but this is a certainly other topic…
So, you see, dominant or Alpha men (as in human) are ought to mate.
That’s called preselection.
So, with girls, preselection is pretty much the same as with guys, though the girl you chose to flirt with always has the same level of value as you give to yourself and as you value her. Otherwise men feel very incongruent and unsure.
The alpha girl, is usually the most confident girl, who is, in her group, the most social and probably the most popular. She does not value you on the amount of friends you have, as her friends circle 
is far too big to join your group of friends anyway.
gave her so much experience, that she will make up your leaking in social integrity.
But we are not talking about how to pick up an alpha female.
Like males, females have their own hierarchy, which is very much based on their looks and outer confidence.
A lower female is supposed to leave mates to the alpha girl first.
But it’s not as strict as with males.
The male chooses his female, therefor females get jealous and more willing.
Other than with males, females do often tolerate men having more than one mate.
In our society, it is not attractive nor value increasing if a female has more than one mate.

Cheers, Wlad C.

Why we go to school

Some look back to it, some hate it and some, like me, try to make the best of it.

The principe is simple:

“Only the smartest of them all can survive till the very end!”

But, what do I mean?

You go to school, to get your high school degree to be qualified for university, preferably, right?

But in the meantime, what do you learn?

Yeah, yeah, you learn something for the future… but I do not think it is the lessons, that are valuable.

See, we all go to school for about 12-13 years (depends on which country),
we learn, repeat, learn repeat, then we proof to our teacher, that we actually do know how to use information.

But this is not valuable, no it’s not.

What is most valuable, is the experience of being in a society.
You don’t quite understand how it works, till you finish school.

The world outside there… It is just like in school, just bigger.

So, in school you actually have an artificial, compact model of the society out there:

  1. The Hierarchy

    There are always, the cool guys, the hot girls, the followers and the losers.

  2. Leadership

    The coolest kids, always command someone else. They dominate their followers and the followers are therefore taking part of a group.

  3. Interest groups

    Everyone has their own hobbies, which prepare them for life. Better or worse…

  4. Economic value (poor vs. rich)

    There will always be this cool kid, always having the newest nike’s or whatever.

  5. Seduction

    First sex, getting laid a lot etc.

  6. Education etc.
So, you get the idea.
The ‘real’ world is no different. It is just more detailed and advanced.

The trick is to master all or as much of possible of this.

Cheers, Wlad C.

How to deal with Depression

There are two main types of depression, most depressions are ‘software’ related, only some of them are ‘hardware’ related.

If you believe to have a depression, then here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  • Are you ready to take very high risks (for example driving way too fast or tend to neglet important meetings and friends) ?
  • Do you smoke cigarettes/weed (yes I know your secrets haha) or drink alcohol more than usual?
    • do you feel like you have a certain relieve after consuming it?
  • Are you very unhappy with yourself or your life?
  • Do you lack interest in your hobbies or things you found interesting before?
  • Are you afraid of failure? Especially when you do everyday stuff?
  • Do you even feel like taking your own life?
  • Do you lose control over your emotions regularly?
  • Do you feel the urge to prove yourself to others or to constantly dominate?
  • Do you argue with friends and family a lot?
  • Do you feel like you have to do a lot of sports to feel better?
In the mental state of a depression, it is clearly normal to have less energy and to not feel like doing anything.
Don’t blame yourself here, you are responsible for yourself, BUT one cannot just stop being depressed, so bare with your own.
The best thing you can do, when you are depressed, is to take action.

The most important thing here is to take small steps though.

Even if you’re a tough guy, taking too big steps may wreck your ability to regain happienes and motivation and may set you back by months!

Cheers, Wlad C.

Optimism, the right one.

That’s not going to be easy.
It’s not as easy as you think.
It will be hard.

These arguments never stopped me. And they will not stop you from achieving your goals, ever!

Let’s analyse it:
People who tell that, are very pessimistic, right.
But they also do not believe in you. Their perspective does not involve your abilities, your possibilities in near future and all of your mindset.

I for myself am sometimes over optimistic.
Of course, you have to calibrate, whether you are too optimistic or not optimistic enough.


…is complete bullshit regarding people comparing themselves.
As most of the so called “realism” comes from people no one, or most of those who use the word realism, really understands in the first place.
Best to say, is what I created as a photo for facebook recently.
You may not find this being my profile picture anymore,
as I do part my private profile from my “official” artist pages.