Tag Archives: ultimate better me

Read books, properly!

There are different types of readers, those who read each single line of a book, those who don’t even finish it and those who just skip passages, because they “don’t like it was important” and then don’t understand following passages and skip those too…

If you read books quickly, you are not reading them properly.

Especially, when you pickup a book out of you own interest, you should do yourself the favour to truly understand what you just read.

Those who finish books within one or two days or even less just finished the first two stages:

  1. Overview
  2. Understanding it’s plot

To truly experience a book and really understand it, you have to read each chapter twice, at least.

Did you ever have the feeling you found new stuff in a book when you were reading it again after a while?

That’s why you didn’t read it properly.

Cheers, Wlad C.

How to deal with Depression

There are two main types of depression, most depressions are ‘software’ related, only some of them are ‘hardware’ related.

If you believe to have a depression, then here are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  • Are you ready to take very high risks (for example driving way too fast or tend to neglet important meetings and friends) ?
  • Do you smoke cigarettes/weed (yes I know your secrets haha) or drink alcohol more than usual?
    • do you feel like you have a certain relieve after consuming it?
  • Are you very unhappy with yourself or your life?
  • Do you lack interest in your hobbies or things you found interesting before?
  • Are you afraid of failure? Especially when you do everyday stuff?
  • Do you even feel like taking your own life?
  • Do you lose control over your emotions regularly?
  • Do you feel the urge to prove yourself to others or to constantly dominate?
  • Do you argue with friends and family a lot?
  • Do you feel like you have to do a lot of sports to feel better?
In the mental state of a depression, it is clearly normal to have less energy and to not feel like doing anything.
Don’t blame yourself here, you are responsible for yourself, BUT one cannot just stop being depressed, so bare with your own.
The best thing you can do, when you are depressed, is to take action.

The most important thing here is to take small steps though.

Even if you’re a tough guy, taking too big steps may wreck your ability to regain happienes and motivation and may set you back by months!

Cheers, Wlad C.

How to deal with a shittest

First: What is a Shittest?
A shittest is the way girls test men to see whether a guy is able to understand her and most importantly able to handle her.
She may do little rapport to major breaks to see what you will do.
For example, if everything goes well and you both show your interest towards each other and then, she suddenly says you’re boring or pushes you off her. (how to deal with it is below in the text)
Girls never stop giving your shittests.

But… why?

And how to pass every single one of them?

It is sort of a test for congruence. Check the article on congruence here)
There are girls who give you harsh and very difficult shittests every once in a while.
Also there are girls who give slight ones very often, even various times a day, too!
Never try to impress the girl if you “kinda feel like it” after receiving a shittest, ever.
She won’t be as impressed as you think she might be. Or she might even lose interest in you completely for a while.
When you are free of outcome and actually being fun instead, you will pass those tests easily!

How does it work?

When a girl tests you, it can lead you to two paths:
  1. You show her, that you will not be clingy all of the time:This makes you more interesting, as she still has to chase you.
    Most girls are like cats, as long as you play with them every once in a while and make them chase what they want, they will have a lot of fun.
    Whenever you stop, she loses interest.

  2. You show her, that you need her.This only works with the following girl:
    She may need security and wants to KNOW that you will stay with her.
    This only works with girls who are looking for a relationship and don’t want to chase anymore.
    They are more into a relationship than the chasers.
    Still, she might shittest you every once in a while, so be aware!
    Most guys choose this path out of instinct. They are scared to lose the girl and lose her through being scared. That easy!

What to do:

You are a MAN so stand your ground, don’t ever try to change yourself for her. (Both changing and not changing are also the same paths as above)


You have to keep shittesting her too.

Why should you be crying about her being mean to you?
If you do cry, then you deserve it.
She needs a man, not a woman. (most of them 😉 )